
Welcome to our SuperTux screenshots album!

SuperTux 0.1.2

This is a release for the big SuperTux fans. We were asked to make more levels, making some more challenging, so here's our answer. This version has a brand new Bonus Island map, new map features, a new enemy and some new tiles.


SuperTux 0.1.1

This version basically features the built-in editor that was removed from the previous release (0.1.0), new hand-written fonts and a few bug fixes.

images/menu-011 images/game1-011 images/leveleditor-011

SuperTux Milestone1 aka 0.1.0

Milestone1 is in huge parts the result of the GotM event on, it contains completly new graphics, lots of new levels, a story and a worldmap. Screenshots below should give you an impression of the game.

images/game-010 images/game1-010
images/game2-010 images/game3-010


Flexlay is the editor that was used to build most of the levels and the Worldmap in Milestone1. It provides a few more features than the build in one (zoom, minimap, worldmap support), but requires a few more dependencies and OpenGL on the other side.

images/flexlay-1 images/flexlay-2

SuperTux 0.0.6

Some shots from our lastest work (0.0.6), released at March 15, 2004. Basically this was a code clean-up version. Features a leveleditor and an OpenGL front-end. Menu as improved a lot, and fonts were also remade.

images/menu-006 images/game-006 images/leveleditor-006

SuperTux 0.0.5

A couple of shots from our 0.0.5 release, released at December 29, 2003. Graphics were improved a lot. Also this version features a menu, and internal clean-ups have started.

images/intro-005 images/game-005

SuperTux prior 0.0.5

Wow! These are really ancients shots from versions prior to 0.0.5. Graphics were a bit ugly, but it was already playble and had a SuperMario1 feel.

images/game1-004 images/game2-004 images/game3-004